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What is a Devotional Journal?


A devotional journal is a journal that includes your progress with God. These journals are meant to be written in daily. You can write your feelings on certain topics or things going on in your life. Has your journey with God changed for the better or for the worse? If it’s for the worse, what can you do to restore your faith in God? Writing in a devotional journal each day will help you say the words that you may not be able to say aloud. Write down your thoughts. Write from your heart when you write in a devotional journal. It can serve as a memory tool. You can retrace your steps with your walk with God. What happened on the good days? How did you make it through the valleys in life?

It’s My Testimony: A Devotional Journal for Women by Women is a devotional journal that consists of thirty-one essays, which were written by thirty different women. Each woman gives an opening scripture, their testimony, a closing prayer, and there are journal reflection questions. Feel free to buy the paperback or kindle book on Amazon. Ten percent of the proceeds will go to the Genesis Women’s Shelter.

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