By the time we retire, we’re older and wiser. Retirement is the period of time when many of us want to relax after years of hard work. Some of us may enjoy our work and want to continue until we pass away. It’s the time when we decide what we want to do towards the end of our lives. We may decide to be on a hot, sandy beach. We may want to spend our retirement with family and friends, making new memories. We may relax at home by ourselves. Retirement is also a time of reflection. We reflect on our achievements, regrets, embarrassing times, memorable moments, and our life in general. We may also reflect and want to work on our journey with God.
When a person reaches the average retirement age of 65, normally they have lived longer than they have years remaining. What they have done will more than likely change from what they can do going forward. A person could have been really active with serving others in Church. Now it seems that more people are serving them. But there are so many ways that a retired person can still serve. They can teach from what they have learned in their vast number of years.
It’s My Testimony: A Devotional Journal for Women by Women includes thirty-one essays. It is written by thirty women from all walks of life. In the book, Elia Saldana and Tanya Browne both talk about their retirement. Elia had to deal with the loss of her husband during her retirement, but she wasn’t alone. God was right there with her, giving her the strength that she needed. Tanya has come to realize that “retirement comes [with] a slew of question marks that cause us to search our souls, assess the future, and, sometimes, start anew” (p. 115). Both women might have a different idea of retirement but their faith in God is just as strong. God has molded these women and given them wisdom throughout their years. If you want to learn more about the three R’s, then please buy the book.