It says in the Bible that, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path” (Psalm 119:105, New International Version). God’s word will always be true and a light on the path for us to follow. Reading the Bible is essential for us who want to live our life based on God’s word. We need to understand the Bible in order to tell others about God’s scripture.
When one goes into an unfamiliar room that is dark, a person is unsure of him or herself. When traveling a dark highway that you rarely travel, one may drive slower as you are unsure of the road. If you add light to both of those situations, then you gain confidence and you can make your journey smoother. As long as we follow the lighted path mentioned in the Bible, we will find the path to eternal life with more confidence.
A daily devotional can help us find our way. Waking up and spending time with God is a great way to gain a closer walk with God. It’s My Testimony: A Devotional Journal for Women by Women is a thirty-one day devotional written by women for women complete with a scripture, an essay, a closing prayer and journal prompts for each day. It is written by thirty women from all walks of life, cultures and creeds. It will bless you indeed.