When you think of meditation, you may think about people sitting in a cross-legged position with their arms on their legs for a long period of time. With eyes closed, taking slow, deep breaths, and with strong concentration, a person can meditate. When people center themselves with meditation, they are helping their body and mind. It helps improve their mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Meditation also helps improve people’s focus, learning concentration, and their reflection on their relationship with God.
Prayer can be considered a form of meditation. The Bible states that, “They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty— and I will meditate on your wonderful works” (Psalm 145:5, New International Version). Centering your focus on God, whether it be for five minutes, an hour or even for an entire day, will take your focus off all the worldly problems. It will lift your thoughts to the heavenly goodness that is waiting for us.
Setting aside time each day to begin the day with a daily devotional can also help center your heart towards God. It’s My Testimony: A Devotional Journal for Women by Women can help you with this goal. The book is complete with a scripture, essay, closing prayer and journal prompts for each day that can go a long way towards building a close relationship with God. It is a thirty-one day devotional written by women of all walks of life, cultures and creeds. It will bless you indeed.