Life is filled with questions. Throughout our lives, we develop questions about different topics. We often want to know the answers to those questions immediately. Sometimes we learn those answers with time and experience. However, some questions don’t have simple answers or no answer at all, at least that’s what we assume. But there is one person who knows all the answers to each and every question, and that person is God. God knows how many strands of hair are on our heads. God knows every event that will happen tomorrow. God knows the cure for COVID-19, cancer, and every disease that seems incurable. He knows when our time will come to an end. If that time came today and you got the chance to ask God one question, what would it be?
What is the meaning of life? What is the cure for cancer? What is the cure for COVID-19? Will my loved ones make it to heaven? Why is there evil on Earth? When will You come back to Earth? These are a few examples of possible questions that people may ask God. No doubt that if you are given only one question, one chance, you would want to think long and hard about your what you are going to ask Him.
In some cases, He listens to us and gives us answers to our questions. Krystal Taylor, one of the contributors to the book called It’s My Testimony: A Devotional Journal for Women by Women, talks about her faithful family member that passed before she was able to accomplish some of the things that she wanted to do in her life. In the book, Krystal asks, “How do I, a person of far too many questions and few answers, go on from here?” in response to her grandmother’s death (p. 83). God responds to her, stating that she shouldn’t focus on her grandmother’s faith, but focus on her own. Now Krystal focuses on what God has done for her.
If you want to learn more about Krystal’ essay on questions answered, then you can buy and read the book It’s My Testimony: A Devotional Journal for Women by Women at Amazon. Ten percent of the earnings will go to the Genesis Women’s Shelter.