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Forgiveness Is God's Intention


Most of us have had that experience, at least once, where an individual does something wrong to us. The person may apologize, but it is up to us to forgive them. Forgiving is not always the easiest action to do. But if we don’t forgive them, then we let that person have power over us. The more that you refuse to forgive, the angrier that you get at him/her. That person is out living his/her life, while you are wasting your emotions on something that happened in the past. You might not be able to forget what that person did to you, but you have to forgive him/her. If you don’t forgive, then that part of your life will be consumed by hatred and anger. That is not what God intended.

It is stated in the Bible that we must, “Forgive our sins, just as we have forgiven those who did wrong to us. Yes, if you forgive others for the wrongs they do to you, then your Father in heaven will also forgive your wrongs. But if you don’t forgive others, then your Father in heaven will not forgive the wrongs you do” (Matthew 6:12, 14-15 ERV). God wants us to forgive ourselves and others for sin. If we do not forgive, then God will not forgive us and our sins.

In It’s My Testimony: A Devotional Journal for Women by Women, Margertree Holmes states that, “Forgiveness is an ongoing, never-ending act that is performed each time one remembers the offense” (p. 91). Even when your remember the painful memory, you must forgive again and again. It may be difficult, but God is with us in this process. If you want to read more about Ms. Holmes’ essay on forgiveness, then you can buy the book It’s My Testimony: A Devotional Journal for Women by Women at Amazon. Ten percent of the earnings will go to the Genesis Women’s Shelter in Dallas, Texas.

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