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A Woman’s Strength


It’s My Testimony: A Devotional Journal for Women by Women is now available for purchase at The book is a thirty-one day devotional consisting of 31 essays by 30 different women from all walks of life. Each essay describes these women’s experiences as they have experienced different seasons of life. Some of these women have faced infertility issues, the hardship of caring for sick loved ones, the dilemma of starting new seasons of life just to name a few. Each have a testimony of how God has seen her through. Life is hard at times and it takes real strength to deal with hardships.

The Bible states in Proverbs, “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come” (Proverbs 31:25, New International Version). Women are especially able to deal with difficult situations. Many women in the Bible had to deal with hardships. Martha was faced with the death of her brother Lazarus. Abigail dealt with a mean and abusive husband. Mary was almost divorced due to being with child not of Joseph, her husband. Then this same Mary had to watch this child be crucified on a cross. These women give us examples of the strength that all women are capable of.

If you want to build your strength, this devotional is for you. It will encourage you and give you hope for tomorrow. We can all have a testimony about how God has seen us through. Hang in there and be encouraged. Get the devotional here.

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